Yohanna was finally able to meet one of her three living great grandmas this past weekend. Grandma didn't really get a chance to hold Yohanna as she was VERY active exploring her surroundings at our cousin's house, playing with baby Dean, and teasing a very large lab.
Yohanna is talking like crazy! She says so many words and phrases in English now - her brain is a little sponge soaking up everything it can. She says "I love you" but it actually comes out "I lo lu." A few of her other cute words are "Amen," "Good Girl," and "Puppy No."
Nap time remains preceded by a ride home in the car from a strategically scheduled errand or a stroller ride down the street. The other day I decided I was going to get her to sleep without the car or stoller.....well....over 1.5 later I gave up. I put her in the stroller and she was asleep by the time I got 6 houses away from my house! Bedtime is improving....usually she is asleep within 30 minutes now and resists much less!